One Week of Prayer for Creation
by Rev. Isaac Mundy
These prayers can be recited during the week celebrating the World Environment Day (June 5th).
We pray
that people everywhere would come to appreciate
the value and commitment God has placed
on every created thing.
Genesis 9:8-11
Revelation 5:13
We pray
that our lives as stewards of Creation
would be firmly built on the wisdom and love of Christ.
Matthew 7:24-27
Psalm 18: 2, 31
We pray
that the Spirit would enable us
to teach children and young people
about the goodness of God and God’s Creation.
Matthew 18: 3
Deuteronomy 11:13-15, 18-19
We pray
that God who restores wastelands
would enable us to do the same.
Isaiah 43: 19-21
Ezekiel 37
We pray
that God who created
and intimately knows every species
and every ecosystem
would help us as we study
and try to understand the created order.
Psalm 111:2
Psalm 104
We pray
that we might daily
join all Creation
in its praise of God.
Psalm 148
Psalm 98: 4-9
We pray
that we may become witnesses
to God’s love
for all of creation.
Genesis 1:26-27
John 3:16