
Are the heating bills costly? Are the electricity bills expensive? Here are a few tips to improve the energy efficiency of your church.




When faced with the task of making your buildings more energy efficient, this list can be use as a guide.  It is divided by how much labor, time, and money is required to make the various improvements.


      least labor intensive       least time consuming     least expensive
  moderately labor intensive   moderately time-consuming  moderately expensive
very labor intensive very time-consuming very expensive


 You can consult this guide to help your buildings more energy efficient by clicking here 


Grants available for increasing energy efficiency

Search for energy efficiency programs for religious buildings (or Institutions) from your energy provider, your provincial government or the federal government.






Invite an energy auditor

This professional has a keen eye and will evaluate the efficiency of your religious building and make recommendations. A visit may cost around $750 but the savings you will make will soon cover the fee.

– You can explore the Energy Audit available at Greening Sacred Spaces.

– You can consult the list of providers drawn up by the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors.


First objective: Time

Second objective: Space

Coordinate meetings so that several are held the same day during the winter season. This may contribute to lower energy costs and also reduce the number of days energy is required/consumed. Organize activities according to the space required to accomodate the number of people. For instance, it is not necessary for a small Bible study group to hold their meeting in the large sanctuary.




Alternative energy sources to explore

GEOTHERMAL: Capture geothermal heat from the ground via heat transfer through a circuit of plastic tubing connected to a buried ground source heat pump. There are various configurations of underground heat exchangers.

Earth Energy Society of Canada offers information on geothermal energy providers in  Canada.

The Canadian GeoExchange Coalition promotes the use of geothermal systems in Canada.




SOLAR PANELS: There are two types. The photovoltaics provide electricity (yield: 15%), and the thermal panels provide hot water (yield: 50%).

The Solar and Sustainable Energy Society of Canada is an organization of professionals, researchers and individuals with a common vision for promoting solar energy use in Canada.







WIND TURBINES: Small wind turnines (less than 300 kW) capture energy from the wind to make electricity. For churches in a windy area, this option can be very interesting.


The Canadian Wind Energy Associationprovides the information and decision-making tools you need to learn about small wind energy systems.