
Sustainable Transportation

 In the old days, the church was in the middle of town so it was easily accessible to all. It was normal for people to come to church by foot. Today, the car seems to have replaced the good old “Sunday Walk”. What other options are available to a 21st century pilgrim?


  • Install a bike rack near the entrance of the church. This courtesy is very popular with cyclists and will encourage others to take up the cycling option.


  • Find the number of the bus route (or subway station) that passes closest to your church and print it in your church bulletin and website. Also leave a few bus schedules near the church entrance.


  • Sunday carpooling is a stimulating idea, since members of your community are all going to the same destination: the church. Offer a Pairing Service for the drivers and passengers. Some call this concept: “Carpooling for Christ”. It also offers seniors and others without transportation a way to attend church.


  • Celebrate Car Free Day by closing off a part of the church’s parking lot on the Sunday closest to September 22. This really demonstrates our dependance on cars. During the service, invite the Sundau School children to make chalk drawings on the asphalt. Everyone can admire the artwork after the service.


  • Encourage car sharing by lending a few parking spaces to a car sharing company. Contact them with this offer, they will be thrilled! To find the carsharing companies in your city, go to .


  • Improve air quality, reduce noise and help people save money by installing a panel that encourages people to turn off their engine when they are not driving. Your municipality might offer such panels. If they don’t, you can download the sign “Idle Free Zone” and install it near parking. These posters are designed by Natural Resources Canada.