

To help organize an event about creation in your faith community.




Theme Day / Feast
Possible actions
January        (3rd week) Week of prayer for Christian Unity Protecting creation is one of the ideal subjects for Christian unity.
14 February Saint Valentine’s Day
Raise awareness on fair trade chocolate and Christian charity (and justice).
17 March Saint Patrick’s Day Attentive to nature, he saw the symbol of the Holy Trinity in the shamrock.
22 March World Water Day  (UNESCO) Raise awareness about our relation to water here and abroad (baptism…
March Lent
Suggest a 5R Lent (reduce-reuse-recycle-repair-revere)
April Easter Vigil
Value the story of creation (Genesis) by a play or even multimedia
April 14 Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Prayer in nature “saying amen at the foot of a tree) or Liturgy outside.
April 22 Earthday  (international) Follow this cultural movement by adding our own Christian hope
May 22 International Biodiversity Day  (UNESCO) Through the story of Noah, God calls us to take care of biodiversity
June 3

Saint Kevin of Ireland


Protection of nature (parcs and reserves) and wildlife. Liturgy outside ?
June 5 World Environment Day (UNEP) Adoption of new personal and community actions
June 8 World Oceans Day (UNEP) Shoreline cleanup, build awareness about overfishing
July 11 Saint Benedict “Ora et Labora”, Pray and Work. I lived very close to the earth (farming).
September 1st Saving Creation Day (WCC)
Pray in nature and read Genesis 1-2 , « Creation Time » until October 4th
September 22 Car Free Day  (international) Organize carpooling, close the parking and let kids draw with chalk.
October 4

Saint Francis of Assisi


Canticle of the Creatures, promote voluntary simplicity


(2nd monday)

Thanksgiving  (in Canada) Giving thanks to our Creator for the harvest, use local bread and wine


(3rd week)

Waste Reduction Week in Quebec Encourage recycling as a prayer to thank God for the resources
November 23 Saint Clement of Rome Letter of Clement to the Corinthians, chapter 20 (God and His creation)



Buy Nothing Day
A collective challenge to buy nothing that day (“sell everything and follow me…”)
December Advent and Christmas
Jesus is born humbly, poor sherphards, stop overconsumption