
Movies on the Environment

Organize a movie night twice a year for your faith community. This intergenerational activity will bring a nice discussion afterward, particularly on how we bring about the Kingdom of God (Phil. 1:6).

Try to alternate between movies about the beauty of nature and those about environmental challenges.

This list is incomplete, but it might serve as inspiration. Don’t forget to obtain the rights for a public viewing.

Movies about the beauty of nature

By Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Fox Video (2009)

By Disneynature
Buena Vista (2009)
Note: GreenFaith has a discussion guide

The Fox and the Child
By Luc Jacquet
Buena Vista (2008).

By Claude Nurdisany and Marie Pérennou
Cristal Films (2001)

The Man Who Planted Trees
animated movie by Frédéric Back (story by Jean Giono)
produced by the CBC (1987)


Movies about environmental challenges

The Great Warming
with Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morissette
Stonehaven Productions (2009)

The Age of Stupid
with Pete Postlethwaite
Dog Woof Pictures (2009)

By Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell
Submarine Deluxe (2014)

The 11th Hour
with Leonardo DiCaprio
Fox Video (2008)

What Would Jesus Buy?
By Morgan Spurlock
Warrior Poets (2007)

The World According to Monsanto
by Marie-Monique Robin
National Film Board (2007)

An Inconvenient Truth
by Al Gore
Paramount Home Entertainment (2006)

The End of Suburbia
by Gregory Greene
The Electric Wallpaper (2004)