The Living Spirit
by Ghana
Morining has risen;
Sleep is still in our eyes,
but at once on our lips
shall be your priase.
We glorify, praise and adore you.
We, that is, the earth,
the wate, and the sky;
that is, the people here on earth.
Everything that you have created
enjoys your sun and your grace.
Dawn glistens on the grasses.
Mist is still hanging on the trees.
And a soft wind promises a fine day.
Should we not enjoy everything
that you have created?
We are meant to.
That is why we are so joyful this dawn.
O, Lord, Grant that the hours and
minutes do not slip away in our hands,
but that we may live in your time.
Hallellujah for The Day: an African prayer book
Ed. ANthony Gittins CSSp
(Darton, Longman and Todd, 2002)