The Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change at the Green Churches Forum
The Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada at the Green Churches Forum
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Lent is a time of year when one tries to live a little more soberly, inspired by the 40-day fast that Jesus did in the wilderness. At this moment in time when the work of God is threatened, Christians are invited to convert and change their behavior to reduce their footprint on Creation.


Would it be possible to promote this tool in you institution?

It is possible to download this calendar for FREE from the following webpage:

As indicated on the Lenten Calendar 2017, you can also subscribe to the newsletter, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to experience Lent as you have never experienced it before.


This paper version of the Lenten Calendar 2017 is sent across Canada to all church groups and schools of all Christian denominations. The eldest will see an inspiring and concrete way of living Lent. The youngest will be able to share easily what they believe in thanks to the hashtags (#) on social media.


Wishing you an ecological and inspiring Lent!